Launched in Japan, Mizuno has grown to become a worldwide company with a focus on the manufacturing and marketing of sporting equipment, sportswear and footwear for football, rugby, golf, running and indoor sports. Back in 2004, their UK HR Manager approached Park Street People to manage a recruitment campaign to support their Export department. 

Since then a successful partnership has been forged, with multiple campaigns run to recruit for a diverse range of roles within import & export administration, credit control, customer services, purchasing, multi-lingual IT Helpdesk, data entry and digital marketing.

The Challenge

As an organisation, Mizuno is very focused on longevity with their staff and their focus is on maintaining their high employee retention levels.

This was a key driver in their choice of recruiter, as they needed a company that could focus on sourcing individuals that offered the right combination of skills, experience and aspirations to develop their career at least in the mid-term within a single organisation.

The Solution

From the outset, Park Street People focused on giving a realistic and honest assessment of the current market conditions whenever Mizuno had a specific recruitment need. This approach set a clear expectation as to how quickly a candidate shortlist would be generated, which allowed Mizuno to manage their recruitment process smartly, ensuring it could achieve its end goal within the desired timeframes. Sourcing suitable, high-calibre individuals is vital but meeting the need for longevity and employee retention levels remains just as important. Clear and accurate views are given throughout the recruitment process to allow Mizuno to have complete clarity of all relevant information when making hiring decisions.

The Result

Mizuno is now one of Park Street People’s longest-standing client relationships, where the knowledge and trust have grown to a level where expectations and requirements are fully understood as soon as a need to recruit is highlighted. This in-depth understanding has allowed Mizuno’s HR to focus on other core areas within their remit, rather than lengthy briefings before each recruitment campaign. This consultative approach has been further enhanced by the regular provision of key market information including salary guidelines as and when needed.

We have been working with Park Street People for more than 13 years and their service has always been excellent. Their understanding of our business needs and culture enables them to provide us with high calibre applicants. They have always been professional, honest and reliable and I would not hesitate in recommending PSP to anyone.

- HR Manager, Mizuno